Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Real Pirates of the Caribbean, Part 1

People of St. Croix care very much about you when you are moving to the island. They are there to help you, to lend a hand (an open hand), give you all kinds of guidance, etc. They make sure that you have all that you need, so long as they get or even think that they will get what they want. God help you if you ever leave. They know if you are leaving, they can do anything they want to you and get away with it. After you are gone, you will probably no longer be able to give them any benefit, but you will also have no recourse in a dispute.

I will first give you Fleming Transport. The matriarch, Ruby, was full of "God Bless, Thank You, etc." when I was moving on to the island and while I was there. When I moved off, I went back to them, of course. I was told that it would cost about $2,000 to move my car and that it would take about 3 weeks. It took 6 weeks, so I had to rent a car. They charged my card for $2,500, and they damaged the front end of my car! Their own documentation, which I still have and may upload here with after photos, at some point, shows no damage to the front of the car when I gave it into their care. They now claim that the damage was already there. They lie! When I went to my credit card service, I was told that a service was done, i.e.: the car was delivered. I was told that I would have for file a claim in the local court. Well, no longer being on St. Croix, how would I do that without excessive cost to me? In short, my transport of my car for $2,000 cost my about $6,000. BEWARE! Beware of Fleming Transport!

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