Saturday, April 5, 2008

Things They Don't Tell You

As a tourist or even as a visiting student, one stays in a hotel or a guest house. All seems fine. If the power goes out for a little while that is no big deal, right? What they don't tell you in all of the lovely brochures and relocation information is that the infracture is so poorly managed that the telephones and internet connections could go out for days, and that the power could be out for days,too. And, that only the hotels and the most well-to-do have back up generators. Public water and sewer is basically non-existant, cisterns are powered by pumps, so the water will not be run either. So, if you can't afford the generator and the mega-dish at your Virgin Islands hide away, don't expect to be able to communicate with anyone for long periods of time and make sure that you have lots of batteries and candles. Oh, and make sure that you have a lot of storage space for all that water (cold water) for those baths and to flush those toilets.

1 comment:

Crucian by Choice said...

As my mother used to say, "'s not really a Third World country, maybe two and three quarters..."

Most of the time things do work and telecommunication is getting better, thanks to BroadbandVI!!

AND right now it is 79 degrees, the sun is shining. The sugar birds are calling for breakfast.
Monday, April 7, 2008 7:49amAST
